Step 1![]() This is the lovely little village of Newton On The Moor in North Northumberland. It’s a tiny little place but one of which I found no hardship in painting because I have to confess its just behind my favourite pub the Cook & Barker, so slipped off for a quick lunch half way through. As you can see from this first image I have done the initial outline drawing and stuck the skywash on using cobalt blue, with a tiny touch of raw sienna in the bottom of the sky. For all of this I use my 1.5” wash brush. |
Step 2![]() In this next image you will see that I have painted in the roofs and I used my No 8 round brush for all of this. Firstly with burnt sienna on the left hand side roofs, and then for he block on the right hand side a mixture of ultra marine blue and burnt sienna. Don’t fiddle about with these at this stage. They are just a simple wash. |
Step 3![]() Still using my No 8 round brush I then filled in the whole of the buildings using a mixture of sand with a touch of raw umber. Do all of the buildings with this mix making the block on the right slightly darker. This also applies to the walls, then once the walls were slightly drier, I tapped in a few strokes of light red.
Step 4![]() In the next image I put a little bit of detail in the roofs, don’t paint individual roof tiles just a few squiggly lines here and there. For this I used my No 3 rigger brush with a mixture of raw umber and raw sienna. The same kinid of brush strokes on the roofs on the right but with a mixture of ultra marine blue and burnt sienna. I used the same mix, ultra marine blue and burnt sienna for my window panes but this time I used my No 8 round brush. I also used my No 8 round brush for the effect of stone work on the cottages with a mix of raw umber and sand, but slightly darker than the original mix. |
Step 5![]() In the next image with my NO 8 round brush I dropped in all those trees and bushes, firstly getting a bit of yellow ochre on the light top areas and then hookers green and burnt sienna mixed stippled on filling in the rest of the tree. Then ultra marine blue for the darker areas of the trees. Now its time for that scary shadow mix, which is ultra marine blue, alizarin crimson and burnt sienna. Still with my No 8 round brush I put this around the windows underneath the roof eaves and the darker side of the chimneys. |
Step 6![]() Now for the road, I use my ¾” wash brush and a mixture of cobalt blue and light red. Just quickly bash this on, don’t fiddle about with it because it all needs to be painted in whilst its still wet. For the foreground telegraph post I used my No 8 round brush and yellow ochre to the right hand side, followed by raw umber and cobalt blue to the left hand side. Using my rigger brush just fill in the actual lights themselves using a mixture of cobalt blue and burnt sienna. There were 2 chaps standing watching me for quite a while. I don’t know if they are actually interested in painting, or it was simply a fact that there is a weird long haired geezer hanging around in our village, but they should there long enough so they got painted in. For my flesh tone I used Charles Evans Sand with a tiny touch of light red. The clothing, to be honest, you can do any colour you like. Now for the grass on the right hand side, again with my ¾” wash brush, I firstly used yellow ochre and then yellow ochre mixed with hookers green. Simply bash it on don’t fiddle with it. |
Step 7 |